Hair Loss Treatment in Islamabad

What causes men to lose hair?

It is common to lose between 50 and 100 hairs each day. Most of the time, this hair loss goes unnoticed because new hair grows in its place. Both baldness and hair loss occur when new hairs stop growing or when hair falls out too quickly.

You might notice gradual hair loss or a sudden bald patch, depending on the cause of your hair loss. The hair on your scalp or your entire body can be affected by hair loss.

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Men's hair loss causes Hair loss can be caused by the following:

History of the family and genes: You are more likely to experience hair loss if you have relatives who do. Androgenic alopecia, also known as male pattern baldness, is a genetic condition in which people gradually lose their hair. A slowing down of the hair line or patches of thinning on the head's crown could be signs of this.

Prescription drugs: 

Hair loss is caused by some medical conditions like hormonal issues or autoimmune diseases. Thinning hair or bald patches could be caused by, for instance, thyroid issues, scalp infections, or trichotillomania, a disorder that causes people to pull their hair out. When the immune system attacks hair follicles, a condition known as alopecia areata occurs. This causes bald patches.

Drugs and medical procedures: Several medications for conditions like cancer, depression, gout, heart disease, and arthritis may cause hair loss.


Temporary hair loss may occur as a result of prolonged stress or stressful situations.

Options for medication Drugs available over-the-counter (OTC) and through a doctor's prescription The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has approved two medications for the treatment of male pattern baldness:

Rogaine (minocycline). Rogaine is sold over-the-counter as a liquid or a foam. It works by stimulating hair growth and preventing hair loss when applied twice daily to the scalp. The effects of minoxidil can last from four to six months. Application and dosage are also important factors in determining outcomes.

Finasteride (Proscar and Propecia) Finasteride is taken orally every day. Only with a prescription from your doctor can you get it. According to the FDA, daily use of the drug for at least three months is usually required to see results.

You will need to continue taking finasteride and minoxidil for the benefits to last. It can take up to a year for you to see results.

Transplants of hair Follicular unit transplantation and follicular unit extraction are the two most common types of hair transplants.

Keep in mind that both methods of getting a hair transplant are considered surgery, so they can be expensive and uncomfortable at times.

Infections and scarring are two additional dangers. To achieve the desired result, you may need to undergo multiple hair transplant procedures.

Follicular unit transplantation (FUT) is the method that is considered to be the most "classic." It involves removing some skin, typically from the hair-covered back of your scalp. The follicles are then taken out of that strip of skin by a surgeon. In the end, they bring the hair follicles back into the area of your scalp where you are losing hair.

Follicular unit extraction (FUE):

In FUE, a surgeon transplants hair follicles to the bald areas of the scalp after removing them directly from the scalp. Direct hair implantation (DHI) is a modified version of this method that involves the use of a specialized instrument to finish the procedure.

3. Laser:

therapy For some types of hair loss, such as alopecia areata, laser treatment is thought to lessen the inflammation in the follicles that prevents them from growing new hair. A review from the National Institutes of Health's Trusted Source Trusted Source PubMed Central Highly regarded database suggests that low-level laser therapy (LLLT) may increase hair growth through other mechanisms for other types of hair loss.